Margaret Albertina Born
(July 21, 1927 – )

I think this photo of Margaret must be from 1929 or 1930. She looks like she's two or three years old to me.

Margaret, second from left, with Marie, her parents, and my father Clarence probably sometime in the period 1942-1945. It looks like it might be in a parking lot right after church or some other formal occasion like a wedding. Also, my uncles (my dad's three older brothers) would have all been in the military at this time and that would explain their absence from the photo.

Going clockwise around the table from the front left, this photo shows my grandmother, Margaret's son Dennis, my Uncle Vernie, Margaret's husband Gerhard, my Uncle Eugene, Margaret's son Dennis, and Margaret herself around the dinner table in the kitchen at Gerhard and Margaret's home on their farm near Edinburg, North Dakota, about fifteen miles from my grandparents' farm. Judging from the apparent age of Margaret's sons (Doug was born in 1959, Dennis in 1962), this must have been taken in the mid-1970's.