Advent 1Is. 2:1-5Rom. 13:11-14Matt. 21:1-11Psalm 122
Advent 2Is. 11:1-10Rom. 15:4-13Matt. 3:1-12Psalm 72:1-7
Advent 3Is. 35:1-10James 5:7-11Matt. 11:2-15Psalm 146
Advent 4Is. 7:10-17Rom. 1:1-7Matt. 1:18-25Psalm 24
Christmas EveIs. 7:10-141 John 4:7-16Matt. 1:18-25Psalm 110:1-4
Christmas MidnightIs. 9:2-7Titus 2:11-14Luke 2:1-14Psalm 96
Christmas DawnIs. 62:10-12Titus 3:4-7Luke 2:15-20Psalm 98
Christmas DayIs. 52:7-10Heb. 1:1-6John 1:1-14Psalm 2
Christmas 1Is. 63:7-14Gal. 4:4-7Matt. 2:13-23Psalm 111
Christmas 21 Kings 3:4-15Eph. 1:3-14Luke 2:40-52Psalm 119:97-104
EpiphanyIs. 60:1-6Eph. 3:1-12Matt. 2:1-12Psalm 72:1-15
Baptism of Our LordIs. 42:1-9Rom. 6:1-11Matt. 3:13-17Psalm 29
Epiphany 2Is. 49:1-71 Cor. 1:1-9John 1:29-42Psalm 40:1-11
Epiphany 3Is. 9:1-41 Cor. 1:10-18Matt. 4:12-25Psalm 27:1-9
Epiphany 4Micah 6:1-81 Cor. 1:18-31Matt. 5:1-12Psalm 7
Epiphany 5Is. 58:3-91 Cor. 2:1-12Matt. 5:13-20Psalm 92
Epiphany 6Deut. 30:15-201 Cor. 3:1-9Matt. 5:21-37Psalm 77
Epiphany 7Lev. 19:1-2,9-181 Cor. 3:10-23Matt. 5:38-48Psalm 9
Epiphany 8Is. 49:8-161 Cor. 4:1-13Matt. 6:24-34Psalm 44
TransfigurationEx. 24:8-182 Peter 1:16-21Matt. 17:1-9Psalm 2:6-12
Ash WednesdayJoel 2:12-192 Cor. 5:20-6:10Matt. 6:1-6,16-21Psalm 51:1-19
Lent 1Gen. 3:1-21Rom. 5:12-19Matt. 4:1-11Psalm 32:1-7
Lent 2Gen. 12:1-9Rom. 4:1-8,13-17John 3:1-17Psalm 121
Lent 3Ex. 17:1-7Rom. 5:1-8John 4:5-26Psalm 95:1-9
Lent 4Is. 42:14-21Eph. 5:8-14John 9:1-41Psalm 142
Lent 5Ezek. 37:1-14Rom. 8:1-11John 11:1-45Psalm 130
Palm Sunday ProcessionJohn 12:12-19
Sunday of the PassionIs. 50:4-9Philip. 2:5-11Matt. 26:1-27:66Psalm 118:19-29
Holy MondayIs. 50:5-10Heb. 9:11-15Matt. 26:1-27:66Psalm 36:5-10
Holy TuesdayIs. 49:1-71 Cor. 1:18-31Mark 14:1-15:47Psalm 71:1-4
Holy WednesdayIs. 62:11-63:7Rom. 5:6-11Luke 22:1-23:56Psalm 70
Holy ThursdayEx. 24:3-11Heb. 9:11-22Matt. 26:17-30Psalm 116:12-19
Holy Thursday (alt)Ex. 12:1-141 Cor. 11:23-32John 13:1-17, 31-35Psalm 116:12-19
Good FridayIs. 52:13-53:12Heb. 4:14-16; 5:7-9John 18:1-19:42Psalm 22
Holy SaturdayDan. 6:1-241 Peter 4:1-8Matt. 27:57-66Psalm 16
Easter SunriseEx. 14:10-15:11 Cor. 15:1-11John 20:1-18Psalm 118:15-29
Easter DayActs 10:34-43Col. 3:1-4Matt. 28:1-10Psalm 16
Easter Evening/MondayEx. 15:1-8Acts 10:34-43Luke 24:13-35Psalm 100
Easter TuesdayDan. 3:8-28Acts 13:26-33Luke 24:36-49Psalm 2
Easter WednesdayActs 3:13-15, 17-19Col. 3:1-7John 21:1-14Psalm 61
Easter 2Acts 5:29-421 Peter 1:3-9John 20:19-31Psalm 148
Easter 3Acts 2:14,36-411 Peter 1:17-25Luke 24:13-35Psalm 116:1-14
Easter 4Acts 2:42-471 Peter 2:19-25John 10:1-10Psalm 23
Easter 5Acts 6:1-9; 7:2, 51-601 Peter 2:2-10John 14:1-14Psalm 146
Easter 6Acts 17:16-311 Peter 3:13-22John 14:15-21Psalm 66:8-20
AscensionActs 1:1-11Eph. 1:15-23Luke 24:44-53Psalm 47
Easter 7Acts 1:12-261 Peter 4:12-19; 5:6-11John 17:1-11Psalm 68:1-10
Pentecost EveEx. 19:1-9Rom. 8:12-27John 14:8-21Psalm 113
Pentecost SundayNum. 11:24-30Acts 2:1-21John 7:37-39Psalm 25:1-15
Pentecost Evening/MondayIs. 57:15-21Acts 10:34, 42-48John 3:16-21Psalm 43
Pentecost TuesdayIs. 32:14-20Acts 8:14-17John 10:1-10Psalm 27
Holy TrinityGen. 1:1-2:4Acts 2:14,22-36Matt. 28:16-20Psalm 8
Proper 3Is. 49:8-16Rom. 1:8-17Matt. 6:24-34Psalm 115:1-18
Proper 4Deut. 11:18-21,26-28Rom. 3:21-28Matt. 7:15-29Psalm 4
Proper 5Hos. 5:15-6:6Rom. 4:13-25Matt. 9:9-13Psalm 119:65-72
Proper 6Ex. 19:2-8Rom. 5:6-15Matt. 9:35-10:20Psalm 100
Proper 7Jer. 20:7-13Rom. 6:12-23Matt. 10:5,21-33Psalm 91:1-16
Proper 8Jer. 28:5-9Rom. 7:1-13Matt. 10:34-42Psalm 119:153-160
Proper 9Zech. 9:9-12Rom. 7:14-25Matt. 11:25-30Psalm 145:1-14
Proper 10Is. 55:10-13Rom. 8:12-17Matt. 13:1-9,18-23Psalm 65:1-13
Proper 11Is. 44:6-8Rom. 8:18-27Matt. 13:24-30,36-43Psalm 119:57-64
Proper 12Deut. 7:6-9Rom. 8:28-39Matt. 13:44-52Psalm 125
Proper 13Is. 55:1-5Rom. 9:1-5Matt. 14:13-21Psalm 136:1-9,23-26
Proper 14Job 38:4-1 8Rom. 10:5-17Matt. 14:22-33Psalm 18:1-16
Proper 15Is. 56:1,6-8Rom. 11:1-2,13-15,28-32Matt. 15:21-28Psalm 67
Proper 16Is. 51:1-6Rom. 11:33-12:8Matt. 16:13-20Psalm 138
Proper 17Jer. 15:15-21Rom. 12:9-21Matt. 16:21-28Psalm 26
Proper 18Ezek. 33:7-9Rom. 13:1-10Matt. 18:1-20Psalm 32:1-7
Proper 19Gen. 50:15-21Rom. 14:1-12Matt. 18:21-35Psalm 103:1-12
Proper 20Is. 55:6-9Philip. 1:12-14,19-30Matt. 20:1-16Psalm 27:1-9
Proper 21Ezek. 18:1-4,25-32Philip. 2:1-18Matt. 21:23-27Psalm 25:1-10
Proper 22Is. 5:1-7Philip. 3:4-14Matt. 21:33-46Psalm 80:7-19
Proper 23Is. 25:6-9Philip. 4:4-13Matt. 22:1-14Psalm 23
Proper 24Is. 45:1-71 Thess. 1:1-10Matt. 22:15-22Psalm 96:1-13
Proper 25Lev. 19:1-2, 15-181 Thess. 2:1-13Matt. 22:34-46Psalm 1
Proper 26Micah 3:5-121 Thess. 4:1-12Matt. 23:1-12Psalm 43
Proper 27Amos 5:18-241 Thess. 4:13-18Matt. 25:1-13Psalm 70
Proper 28Zeph. 1:7-161 Thess 5:1-11Matt. 25:14-30Psalm 90:1-12
Proper 29Ezek. 34:11-16, 20-241 Cor. 15:20-28Matt. 25:31-46Psalm 95:1-7
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